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Product Details
Looking for a special self-care gift? How about a box of reading and relaxation?! The Digital Bubbles Box delivers all of the bath and body products and access to eBooks. (Digital Bubbles does not contain paperback books).
- 1 Flip Flops Bath Bomb
- 1 package of Pool Recovery Luxury Goat's Milk Bath Salts
- 1 hand crafted Summer Days Moisture Melt
- 1 Pool Paradise Hair Mask
- Access to 15+ Contemporary, Historical, and Paranormal eBook downloads
Shipping Included in the price.
This is for a one-time only box (not a subscription). If you would like to send a box of reading and relaxation for 3, 6, or 12 months, click here to subscribe!>
Bubbles & Books appears in these collections…

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