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Product Details
This course offers 5 online class recordings and a study guide PDF with over 20 pages of information on how herbs can support energetic heart healing and spiritual practice. Inside, you'll find: *An overview of the energetic heart and how it correlates to moon phases *A list of herbal actions for the heart and spiritual consciousness *Associated herbs for specific romance and ritual intentions (such as herbal aphrodisiacs, herbs for grief, trance, and lucid dreaming) *Step-by-step instructions for making a heart opening tincture, lucid dream tincture, warming herbal herbal massage oil and meditation anointing oil *Plant monographs for mugwort and rose that cover their energetics, clinical uses, history, folklore and more *+11 BONUS recipes for making herbal rosaries, dyed altar cloths, honey electuaries, hydrosols, cordials, smoking blends, and more. Once purchased, you will receive a digital download link with 1 business day.
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