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Product Details
Hosting a Pentecost celebration or looking for something to do with your kids to get ready for Pentecost? Our Pentecost kite kits are great for kids aged 4-10 and include:
- 16-page activity book including readings, directions, coloring sheets, and activities
- Dreamer sled kite kit - everything you need to make an easy-to-fly-kite
- Red, yellow, and orange tails
- Red wide-tipped permanent marker
- Tape
- Webisode "how to" show
Supplies are very limited - order ASAP. Yes, the kite really flies! It's awesome for kids to make and be able to fly, even with only running-generated wind.
You'll just need scissors from home. Additional permanent markers optional; just make sure they are wide-tipped to not rip the kite.