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Product Details
★ 风靡全球30年,被翻译成29种语言,全球热销超过3000万册的小鼠波波系列绘本
★ 世界超人气儿童绘本作家露西·卡曾斯倾情创作的互动玩具书
★ 又酷又好玩的推拉、立体玩具书,动动小手,和小鼠波波一起飞向月球
★ 登月、航天飞行初体验,低幼科学启蒙,边玩边学,迈出认识科学的一大步
★ 内容详尽的登月知识加油包,帮爸爸妈妈轻松应对好奇宝宝的连环追问
Maisy has a big day tomorrow. She’s going to the moon! Little readers can pull the tabs to help her rocket blast off, move Maisy’s vehicle over the moon rocks (with Panda in tow), and open a parachute that helps her land on Earth. There’s even a control room with levers that lift up and down to make gauges change! Little ones will love taking off with Maisy on her outer-space adventure — and be happy when Cyril brings his friend safely home. Hooray!
Hard-cover, lift-the-flap interactive book
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