Cratejoy Feature Announcement: Customize Checkout Marketing Settings

It’s now easy to collect a customer’s email marketing preference at checkout.

Under the “Marketing Settings” option, merchants have two options: Customers must opt into marketing email or Customers receive marketing email by default, with the extra option of customizing their marketing terms and conditions if the merchant selects the former option.

  • Customers receive marketing emails by default means that customers are not asked about their marketing communication preferences. If you use integrations like the Cratejoy MailChimp app, all customer email addresses are sent to your MailChimp list without any changes.
  • Customers must opt into marketing email means that customers are asked about their marketing preferences upon checkout with a checkbox as they create their account. Selecting this option triggers a few changes to your Cratejoy CSV exports, your Cratejoy MailChimp app, and your API responses.

If you’ve selected Customers must opt into marketing email, then a checkbox will be automatically appended to the Create Account section of your checkout page, as seen below.

Marketing settings, provided on the Checkout Settings page

The text is fully customizable in your checkout settings page, so you can feel free to customize it to fit your brand voice, or explain exactly what customers might expect to receive if they opt into your marketing communications.

If you’ve selected that your customers must opt into marketing email, then you’ll see a few changes to your exports, your Cratejoy MailChimp app, and your API responses, so you can always tailor your communications to the right audience. 

What kind of effect does this have on my email signups?  

By default, the marketing settings checkbox on your checkout account will be left unchecked – this does mean that you’ll likely see fewer email signups coming through to your mailing list. On average, we at Cratejoy have seen that about 1 in 3 customers will opt into receiving marketing emails. But there’s a few pieces of good news that we have to share:

1 in 3 customers may sign up for email marketing, but those customers are more engaged. We’re seeing that customers who opt into receiving email marketing have much higher email open rates, clickthrough rates, and purchase rates from your email marketing. This means your sender score as an email marketer will be higher, meaning your messages will be much less likely to go to spam.

Customizing your opt-in language can double your email signups. We’ve seen that merchants who customize their marketing setting opt-in language to fit their brand see nearly double the signups of merchants who keep generic default text. In short, merchants who customize their text tend to have 2 out of 3 customers sign up for their email marketing. Cratejoy allows you to easily customize the marketing text that you show to customers, no coding required.

Need ideas for what to say in your custom marketing text? We tend to see merchants update the text to either add a brand voice or share their email list’s unique benefits. Some examples that we’ve seen that get more signups include:

  • Have a fun and light tone. “Yes, I definitely want to stay tuned!” or “Yes, I love fun emails and discounts!”
  • Reassure that you won’t spam them or sell their info. “We promise not to fill your email inbox or share your email address with anyone else” or “We send 1-2 emails per month”
  • Have a cool new themed box? Explain that you send sneak peeks and spoilers. “Sign me up for emails, monthly sneak peeks, and spoilers!”
  • Tempt customers with the promise of coupon codes, discounts, or flash sales. “I want to be kept up-to-date on {Box Name}’s news and flash sales.”
  • Do you share supplementary material via email? Let your customers know. “Sign me up for {Box Name} monthly guides, tips, and unboxing videos.”

 For more information on Checkout Marketing Settings, visit our help doc.

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