Just a Little Something Extra

You’re working on your box, sending it out every month, getting new subscribers, tweaking your notification emails, figuring out the best shipping prices – basically you’re swamped. So every time someone suggests something else you should do you just roll your eyes. Don’t they understand that running a subscription box company is a whole lot of work? I get it. Hear me out – there are still some really small things that you can do that will be just a little something extra that will make your customers go from happy to ecstatic.

Something Extra in the box

A few weeks ago I decided to change banks. I went through the process online and waited for my new card to arrive in the mail. When it finally came I had a new card and a hand written note from a member of the company thanking me for opening an account. It’s not a huge thing and it probably didn’t take much time at all but it was so nice to feel like I was working with real people. Now you might have 500 subscribers and a hand written note for each box is insane. That’s okay! Maybe put a piece of chocolate in the box, or tootsie rolls. Or maybe you just send out a few hand written cards to different customers each month – that way you’re not writing 500 at a time.

Be a REAL person on Social Media

It’s easy to get into ‘official company mode’ – talking about company updates and acting on behalf of the company. It’s also nice for customers to feel like they’re talking with a person. Interact with people on twitter, respond to praise and feedback on Facebook as you, just don’t forget to be a person.

Respond to customers right away

Don’t put it off. It might seem like it’s not important and you can wait a few hours while you finish something up – don’t. Just respond. Your customers will be blown away by your quick response and will feel important*.

*Every customer is important. If you don’t believe that you will have a harder time in the subscription business.

It’s not about doing big skywriting, epic level, give free iPads to customers – things. It’s the little things that really add up and make your customers go from happy to crazy loyal. As the subscription industry grows you’re going to want to make sure you’re setting yourself apart with more than just great product – so be a person, do something extra and respond respond respond.

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