Product Details

Books you'll never want to put down!

Whether it’s a trip down memory lane with a nostalgic YA book or a read that immerses you into a fantasy world, this subscription box is designed to bring wellness and comfort to your reading experience. With our box you receive bookish items tailored to enhance your bedtime reading and add to your bookish collection - all inspired by the story.
  • Each box will contain 2-3 thoughtfully curated handmade bookish items and exclusive author content for further immersive reading!
  • Unbox magic and wellness. Our box adds a special touch with 2-3 therapeutic items to help you relax and ease into a comfortable and cozy state of being as you commit self-care in 2021
  • Brown paper wrapped books to to take away the stress and judgement associated with finding a book so that you can unlock the small pleasures of a surprise hidden gem
  • Send as a gift! Let someone special know that you are thinking of them. Each box will delivered with a personal message from you!
  • Over $75 value for our bookish curated items! Enjoy!

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