Product Details

A cross stitch box like no other with extra items!

Each month alternates between a pretty version and a twisted version to cater for all tastes! The themes also alternate with regards to stitching in a hoop and actually making an item you can use around your home or every day, We alternate between different aida patterns and colours, different threads and varied other mediums!
  • A mix between hoop designs and items to make and use each month
  • Get to experiment with different aida brands/colours/patterns and different thread colours/brands plus other materials
  • Detailed instructions each time so good for all levels
  • Other items in the box will accompany the current months theme
  • If you like a wide variety of designs to stitch from fun/quirky/colourful to whimsical/fantastical/a little on the unusual dark side then this box is for you!

Pretty Twisted Cross Stitch is not available, but you'll love these other boxes!

Past Boxes from Pretty Twisted Cross Stitch