Get Nerdy at Home With These Fun, Rewarding Hobbies

Updated by Eleanor Baker

In this era of coronavirus and social distancing, we're all looking for ways to make the most of our free time at home. As nights of playing board games together are on hiatus, it's time to explore other nerdy hobbies . If you don't want to google a how-to for your next geek activity, then sign up for a subscription box and have it show up at your doorstep. You can try out new hobbies, stimulate your mind and connect with other hobbyists across the United States. Embrace your inner nerd while you stay safe at home!

Sometimes geeky hobbies inspire entrepreneurship, too -- at least, that was the case with new boxes XP Forge and Book Lovers. We saw these new nerdy boxes in the Cratejoy Marketplace and just had to catch up with the founders.

Follow along as we get to know Tim of XP Forge and John of Book Lovers! These guys put their geek to work to inspire you to have fun at home.

XP Forge and XP Forge: DnD

Whether you're into DnD, sci-fi books, or are trying something new to find your favorite nerd hobby, there's a subscription box for you.

Check out more geek-centric monthly subscriptions and have fun getting nerdy at home!