Product Details

Handmade items for your tiered tray and farmhouse decor!

A monthly box filled with 5-8 high quality tiered tray decor items. All items are handmade. The items in the box will be holiday or season specific depending on the month. All items are made of wood and laser cut, then hand painted and hand assembled! First box will come with stands/easel for the items that do not stand on their own.
  • Handmade!
  • Tiered Tray Decor Box contains holiday or season specific items depending on the month.
  • You will receive a box the previous month for the next month's holiday. Example, 4th of July boxes will be received in June. Halloween boxes will be received in September. Christmas boxes will be received in November, etc.
  • Great items for farmhouse decor lovers!

Seasonal Farmhouse Tiered Tray Decor Box is not available, but you'll love these other boxes!

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