Product Details

The Spice Subscription From Around The World

Ready to Spice Up Your Cooking?

Embark on a thrilling culinary adventure with our globally inspired spice box! Every month, receive an exclusive 2 oz. spice blend, valued at $15, that transports you to a different part of the world. Each package is a treasure trove, featuring an expertly curated spice blend, a unique recipe card with a seasonally-appropriate dish to showcase the spice, and exclusive access to our RawSpiceBar Monthly Newsletter filled with tips, cultural insights, and more.
  • Perfect for date night, family dinners, & dinner parties
  • New blend & chef created recipe each month
  • Your taste buds will travel around the world
  • The gift that keeps on giving
  • Feeds about 4-6 people or yourself a few times

The Spice Subscription-Get Unique Blends Delivered Straight to your home is not available, but you'll love these other boxes!

Past Boxes from RawSpiceBar3