Product Details
The premier box for Christian women
Life is busy, and it becomes harder to find the time each day to connect with Christ. The curators at Butterfly Box are solving that problem by sending a thoughtfully curated box each month. Each box helps you reclaim those quiet moments with God, build your intimacy with Christ, and live out your faith in the world around you!- 5 to 6 items such as jewelry, artwork, books, decor, personal pampering items, faith sharing cards and other specialty items
- Products are faith-based or support small Christian businesses.
- Each month's box is designed to illustrate a biblical theme and encourage spiritual growth.
- Each box is thoughtfully curated to inspire the Christian woman in her faith.
Butterfly Box Monthly Subscription Renews on sign-up anniversary is not available, but you'll love these other boxes!
Past Boxes from Butterfly-Box
May Box-“Knowing God”
This month we’ve curated the perfect box to help you know God better. We’ve included a study on Knowing God, Names of God cards to display in your home, a custom designed butterfly bracelet with scripture charm, a beautiful scripture tea towel, hand cream for some self-care and, of course, information on this month’s ministry sponsorship!
Beauty is Everywhere Box (August Box)
The world has its own definition of beauty and sometimes it can feel like we have to conform to that standard of beauty. But as women of God, be reminded of what is truly meant by beauty. Your beauty comes from fearing the Lord and because of that, you add beauty to this world!
Contentment (July Box)
This world is demanding so much of us. We have to work hard to reach success only to see that there is more to achieve after that! It feels like endless working and achieving. This box is designed to remind you that it is okay to pause and find satisfaction in what you have right now because after all, you already have everything in Him.
Choose Joy
This box is inspired by Romans 15:13, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Its contents are curated to remind you to choose joy in all circumstances as you walk closely with Jesus.
Fellowship Box
Take every opportunity to open your life and home to others. Romans 12:13 Whether fellowship and hospitality have always been part of your life or through the recent isolation we've all experienced, you've realized how much you long for it, this month's box is designed to help you incorporate simple ways to bring that time with others into your life.
September Box
Woman of Prayer box including The Power of a Praying Women, Be Still and Know Journal, Weekly Prayer Guide, Butterfly Prayer Necklace and Tea Drops. A great combination of Christian lifestyle products to encourage prayer and spiritual growth!
October Box
New Creation In Christ Box including Defined by the Kendrick Brothers, "I'm A Whosoever" T-Shirt, Planned with a Purpose Digital Download Cards, Feeling Blessed Wooden Sign, I am Amazing Manicure Set and "You Are Precious" Sharable Postcards.
November Box
Be inspired to have an attitude of gratitude with our November which includes our Growing in Gratitude 30 Day Devotional, Gratitude is the Best Attitude Socks, Spark of Thanks Apple Cinnamon Candle, Grateful and Blessed Necklace, Grateful Heart Notecards and Pumpkin Spice Bath Salts. This makes an awesome gift for someone you appreciate or a great way to care for yourself during what has been a very challenging year.
New Beginnings (January Box)
2020 is over! It's time to focus on a "New Beginning"...the kind of new beginning that comes from God. This box has great reminders that it's time for a fresh start in 2021! What's inside? 21 Day Devotional Journal to write 2021 goals and prayers God is Good All The Time Bookmark/Pen Set Grace Always Wins T-Shirt Handmade Necklace that helps empower women in India.
You Are Blessed (February Box)
With 2020 over and 2021 well under way it's so important to focus on that fact that just because of our faith alone we are ABUNDANTLY blessed!
Growing In Faith (March Box)
The Bible says that faith is the confidence of what we hope for and the assurance about what we do not see and we know that without faith it is impossible to please God. This month's box will help us aim to grow closer to God and stretch our faith, having confidence in His care and promises for our lives!
enCOURAGEd (October Box)
This month's box is all about having courage, not because of our own strength, but because of Christ's strength in us. Enjoy (or bless someone) with this awesome box and be enCOURAGEd in your faith.
A Season of Thanks Box
Thanksgiving is more than a yearly tradition, it's an attitude of the heart. This box inspires a reflection of things that have happened this year and prepares our hearts for thanksgiving as we near the year's end. When we look back we can see that God has been faithful to us even in difficult seasons and our hearts can be filled with gratitude as we celebrate His goodness.