Product Details

Join the movement of zero waste enthusiasts!

Our goal is to help people to start a journey towards zero waste living. Signing up for a subscription you will receive your monthly supply of essential items for cleaning, storing food, personal care, traveling, all items are biodegradable and compostable. 5-6 items every month 🌱🌍 Let's protect our environment together!🌿 Make a difference!
  • Zero-Waste Packing
  • New products every month
  • 100% Recyclable

Current Box from KIWI Eco Subscription Box

June Kiwi Eco Box
June Kiwi Eco Box

We are here to help you to adjust your lifestyle and slowly implement zero-waste and plastic-free essentials into your daily routine or inspire a loved one to make the switch🌿 Inside your June Kiwi Eco Box you will find 4 items that will help to build your daily routine: 1.Linen Waterproof Storage Bag☘️ 2. Compressed Wood Pulp Sponge🌱 3. Seashell Shape Tea Infuser🌷 4. Natural Sisal Vegetables and Fruits Scrubber🌿

Past Boxes from KIWI Eco Subscription Box

May Kiwi Eco Box
May Kiwi Eco Box

🌷Our May Kiwi Eco Box is on sale right now! So many useful items! It is definitely our best box yet and you don't want to wait – we will sell out!🌷 🌿1. Soap bar holder 🌿2. Dish soap bar 🌿3. Wooden dish brush 🌿4. Cotton mesh bag We support local small business and always try to add their products to our monthly boxes.

April Kiwi Eco Box
April Kiwi Eco Box

🌷Our April Kiwi Eco Box is on sale right now!🌷 🌿Set of Bamboo Straw 🌿Oil Pulling Mouthwash 🌿Produce Wash Soap 🌿Vegetable& Fruit Brush

March Kiwi Eco Box
March Kiwi Eco Box

Our March's Box has some exciting new products! In next Kiwi you will find: 1. Essential oil by Wild Essentials 🌿 2. Greeting card 🌿 3. Natural mulberry silk eye mask 🌿 4. Flower car perfume bottle 🌿

February Kiwi Eco Box
February Kiwi Eco Box

February month box is filled with cool things to help you live your life greener and add something new to your eco-friendly routine. 🌱 You can get: 🌱reusable sustainable coffee cup; 🌱muscle soak bath bomb; 🌱rosy crochet coaster; 🌱earthy tea.

January Kiwi Eco Box
January Kiwi Eco Box

1. Linen Waterproof Storage Bag🌿 2. 50 Paper Sandwich Bags by Lunchskin🌿 3. Dew Mighty Solid Serum Bar🌿 4. Tongue Cleanser🌿 *Please, contact us, if you want to replace any item.

December Kiwi Eco Box | Christmas Edition
December Kiwi Eco Box | Christmas Edition

Looking for Zero Waste Christmas Gift? Kiwi Eco Box Subscription is Your Best Choice! The Best Products Delivered Monthly To Help You Live A Non-Toxic And Healthy Life. Our December Box has: 1. Natural Linen Exfoliating Bath Washcloth 2. Creative Tea Spices Infuser 3. Victorian Mulled Wine Kit 4. Surprise Product

November Kiwi Eco Box | Thanksgiving edition
November Kiwi Eco Box | Thanksgiving edition

πŸ‚Meet our November Kiwi Eco Box Thanksgiving edition πŸ‚ Inside you will find 4 items that will help to build your daily zero waste routine: 1. Reusable container small 🍁 2. Reusable container medium 🍁 3. Wooden ornament 🍁 4. Loofah sponge 🍁

October Kiwi Eco Box
October Kiwi Eco Box

We are here to help you to adjust your lifestyle and slowly implement zero-waste and plastic-free products into your daily routine or inspire a loved one to make the switch🌿 Inside your October Kiwi Eco Box you will find 4 items that will help to build your daily routine: Zero Sugar Natural Chocolate🌿 Chicory Powder Coffee Alternative🌿 Wooden Soap Holder🌿 Coffee Scrub Soap Bar🌿

September Kiwi Eco Box
September Kiwi Eco Box

Kiwi Eco Box πŸ’š - was created as a smooth and easy start to your zero-waste living. This month we have inside: 1. Zero Waste Dry Shampoo Bar 🌿 2. Food silicone Envelope 🌿 3. Cotton Bread Bag 🌿 4. Natural Beeswax Bags 🌿

August Kiwi Eco Box
August Kiwi Eco Box

Kiwi Eco Box πŸ’š - was created as a smooth and easy start to your zero-waste living. This month we have inside: 1. Set of Bamboo Straws🌿 2. Hawaiian Black Salt Scrub🌿 3. Silicone Stretch Lids🌿 4. Exfoliating Bath Glove🌿

July Kiwi Eco Box
July Kiwi Eco Box

July Box is on sale right now! 1. Handmade yellow and blue bracelet🌿 2. Linen tote bag with national symbol🌿 3. Ukrainian embroidered print kitchen towel🌿 4. Natural herbal Бarpathian tea🌿