Product Details

OurShelves: High-Quality Diverse Children's Books

OurShelves books are mindfully and lovingly chosen by our Curation Team for children ages 0-8 years old (Sunshine books: Ages 0-2, Rainbow: Ages 2-5, Treehouse: Ages 5-8). Enjoy these inspiring board books and picture books that both ignite imagination and wonder and feature diverse and traditionally under-represented characters and families.
  • Affirm your values of equity, anti-racism, social justice, inclusion, love, and yes, fun, while enjoying expert-curated, high-quality children's books with your child(ren).
  • Our books proudly feature racially and ethnically diverse, LGBTQ+, disabled, feminist, and other traditionally under-represented characters and families in children's books.
  • Our Curation Team members who review your books share expertise from librarianship, teaching, early childhood development, psychology, racial and other identity bias, and parenting.

Current Box from OurShelves

OurShelves Sunshine Box
OurShelves Sunshine Box

This Sunshine box included board books that were mindfully and lovingly chosen by our Curation Team for children ages 0-2 years old. The books both ignite imagination and wonder and feature diverse and traditionally under-represented characters and families. Note: the books featured are examples of the kinds of books you would receive in your OurShelves box, and are not necessarily what you will receive in your box.

Past Boxes from OurShelves

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OurShelves Children's Book Boxes

by OurShelves