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收录于2020熊猫月定盒子。Featured in 2020 subscription series.

适合低幼儿童,书中精心设置了巧妙的洞洞 翻翻互动形式,由一流插画家绘制精美插图,是专为孩子准备的趣味艺术认知书,在认知世界的同时给孩子美的享受。Great for Young Children. Enhance their knowledge and fine motor skills with this flip-the-flap book.

森林里有很多神奇的动物和植物:会仰泳的水獭、善伪装的枯叶蝶、害羞的含羞草……它们在森林中是如何生活的?书中翻翻和洞洞设计,可以增加阅读趣味,让孩子认识森林里的动物和植物,了解森林知识,爱上有趣的森林。How do all the animals and plants live in the forest? How does the river otter swim? The camouflage master orange oakleaf butterfly, and and the shy touch-me-not. Learn about all these interesting facts of the forest from this book.

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