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Product Details
Summary: The Scourge is an underground organization of serial killers that has secretly plagued Valley Falls from the shadows. Although there have been mentions of them from time to time, they have been dormant for the past couple of years. That all changes when an officer with the Valley Falls Police Department comes across a jar containing 3 human hearts. Minutes after the officer radios in the grotesque findings, a courier delivers a package containing a disturbing VHS tape. Your friend, Phil Herbert with VFPD, gives you a call to immediately bring you in on the case because you were so helpful during Duel, the previous Scourge case. Phil mentions Anubis, The Scourge, and some type of initiation, and your mind immediately goes back to the serial killer competition that gripped the city a few years earlier. Will this be something similar? You pray that isn't the case as it will undoubtedly mean bloodshed on a wide scale. With a deep breath, you grab your things and head to the police station to get the details. What is The Scourge up to this time? Find out in this newest Scourge mystery…Initiation!
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