Product Details
Marshmallow of the Month Club - Holiday 2023 (duplicate SQ4984155) is not available, but you'll love these other boxes!
More from Marshmallow of the Month Club

Joy Craft Cocoa - MP one time
$27.00 / box

Joy Craft Cocoa Set
This holiday season send a box of Joy Craft Cocoa and Artisan Marshmallows. Each gift box comes with 6 artisan marshmallows, 7oz cocoa, a mug and spoon.
$33.99 / box

Marshmallow of the Month Club - Holiday 2023
Send a s’more survival kit filled with artisan (pork free) marshmallows, fresh baked graham crackers, and gourmet hot chocolate
$41.42 / box

Marshmallow of the Month Club - S'more Survival Kit
A subscription box for s'more lovers!
$25.50 / box

Marshmallow of the Month Club - Valentine's Day
Send a s’more survival kit filled with artisan (pork free) marshmallows, fresh baked graham crackers, and gourmet hot chocolate
$41.42 / box
Marshmallow of the Month Club appears in these collections…

Best Subscription Boxes Under $50 | Affordable Monthly Surprises