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This month is all about watercolor! Our May 2020 Premium boxes feature three Daniel Smith watercolor half pans in cascade green, ultramarine blue, and hansa yellow light. Daniel Smith is the gold star of watercolor and these half pans are a brand new addition to their line-up. We've also included a Faber-Castell dual-tip watercolor brush pen in warm gray #3 and an Ecoline watercolor brush pen in reddish-brown. To outline your art we've added a Neopiko-3 .3mm pigment pen in black. This pen has water-based pigment ink that is waterproof, allowing you to outline your drawing before adding watercolor effects without smudging or bleeding. To put watercolor to paper, we've included a Princeton Aqua Elite round brush in size 2. Finally, we included a 4x8" watercolor canvas panel by Fredrix. This is a newer product from Fredrix and this custom size was made just for SketchBox May! Happy painting!
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