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孩子看不懂宇宙,但会记住带他看宇宙的父亲。爸爸倘若花点时间陪孩子做一件特别的小事,也许今后一生,孩子心里都会温暖、富足。What is  the universe? A Space Walk with Dad is the story about a father's journey to discover the beauty of the universe with his son. 

作者荣获瑞典林格伦文学奖、德国青少年文学奖。Award winning children's book from Sweden. 

“和爸爸一起读”的选择:传递温厚的父子亲情,为童年留下一刻珍贵的父子之乐。A book about fatherhood. 

著名儿童文学作家、教授、儿童阅读推广点灯人梅子涵老师为本书撰写导读。Preface by Zihan Mei.