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Product Details
PLEASE NOTE: Our last Waitress Box does not have the "It only takes a taste" magnet. Instead, it will have a "Places Please, Broadway's Back" Acrylic Magnet. Opening up into the world of Waitress -- What's Inside? Several Waitress-inspired goodies, including an exclusive gold-plated 5-year anniversary commemorative coin, an exclusive frequent-piers pin, Dawn guest check props, exclusive Joe's Pie Diner Mugs, Mermaid Marshmallow Pie Soap, Pie-themed wax melts, Thanks for Taking Me to the Moon-Moon Pie, Waitress Playbill flower, stickers, a magnet, and more! A portion of proceeds supports the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the out-of-work theatre professionals through the Actors Fund. This box is a standalone box and not part of a subscription.
Why 33 cents? For Dawn being in 33 Revolution War re-enactments, of course! Free US Shipping. Ships within 1-7 business days.