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Bucket lists - we know all about them, and most of us even have them! We fill our lists with dream destinations, activities we want to do, goals we want to accomplish, and things we want to try. Items on the list can go as extreme as jumping off an airplane, to really simple tasks like trying tuna for the first time. Along with ticking off each item from the list comes a sense of giddiness and excitement, and we’re always looking forward to what’s next. Sure, all those aspirations are amazing things to look forward to, but why is it that we rarely see self-care on them?
Resetting our minds and bodies should not be a yearly occurrence or something we only do when it pops up in our minds. Self-care should always be on top of our priority lists! It never gets old and its importance can’t be stressed enough. Especially in this New Year, we should start building habits that incorporate self-care more into our lives, and we have just the tool to help!
The Yearly Self-Care Bucket List Scratch-Off Activity Book includes monthly mystery self-care activities to inspire little acts of self-love and fun throughout your year ahead! No cheating! Once you scratch off a circle, there are no takebacks! Even if you're busy and it doesn't seem like the right time to do the activity, challenge yourself to make the time for it either within the day or week and allow yourself to come back to your normal routine feeling rejuvenated. Add this to your daily routine or use this activity on days when you need a little pick me up. Surprise yourself! You are worthy of your time, love, and devotion.
The activity book encourages you to take little pockets of breathing time in between the craziness of life which definitely makes all the difference. Try scratching off at least one activity per week - it will provide you with the mental reset you need. As time goes by, feel free to build your own lists and do more of the things that allow you to reset. You will slowly learn how good it feels to be so loved by yourself. It won’t be an easy feat squeezing it into your packed schedules, but trust us, it’s more than worth it. You don’t have to be an expert of self-care either, this book is definitely a good starting point for you to keep learning throughout the year!
Resetting our minds and bodies should not be a yearly occurrence or something we only do when it pops up in our minds. Self-care should always be on top of our priority lists! It never gets old and its importance can’t be stressed enough. Especially in this New Year, we should start building habits that incorporate self-care more into our lives, and we have just the tool to help!
The Yearly Self-Care Bucket List Scratch-Off Activity Book includes monthly mystery self-care activities to inspire little acts of self-love and fun throughout your year ahead! No cheating! Once you scratch off a circle, there are no takebacks! Even if you're busy and it doesn't seem like the right time to do the activity, challenge yourself to make the time for it either within the day or week and allow yourself to come back to your normal routine feeling rejuvenated. Add this to your daily routine or use this activity on days when you need a little pick me up. Surprise yourself! You are worthy of your time, love, and devotion.
The activity book encourages you to take little pockets of breathing time in between the craziness of life which definitely makes all the difference. Try scratching off at least one activity per week - it will provide you with the mental reset you need. As time goes by, feel free to build your own lists and do more of the things that allow you to reset. You will slowly learn how good it feels to be so loved by yourself. It won’t be an easy feat squeezing it into your packed schedules, but trust us, it’s more than worth it. You don’t have to be an expert of self-care either, this book is definitely a good starting point for you to keep learning throughout the year!
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