Product Details

Crystal Path Stone and Sage Deluxe Gift Box Set is a fantastic gift to give and share your love!

Sets are curated to enhance your surroundings. Each month you will receive a gift box set hand-crafted with intuitively chosen utensils in each box. The intention of raising positive vibrations with smudging and clearing away unwanted energies. Sets include crystals of various shapes and sizes, they come with an informational cards and mantras. Plus, rollerballs, energetic sprays, or aroma therapy can help you create a more positive environment for you to live in experiencing positive energy.
  • Grounding tools to help clear the mind. A clear mind allows correct answers or solutions to present ideas to the conscious mind
  • FREE Shipping in the USA
  • Smudging is a great, way to purify places, people, events. We offer a huge variety of sage sticks for cleansing and balancing.
  • Ask about the newest box, Inner Beauty. This set has tool to awaken the beauty that is deep within.
  • A gift subscription from the Crystal Path lets someone know they are loved and remembered month after month. Personalize with a gift message. Happy Mother's Day!!! Order by 5-6-2024.

Current Box from Crystal Path

Stone and Sage Chakra Box ~ Tree of Life for The Chakra System
Stone and Sage Chakra Box ~ Tree of Life for The Chakra System

Chakras are energy vortexes in the subtle body through which the life force energy moves. Channeling the different aspects of this life force from non-physical energy sources into the physical body. 1. Get grounded 2. Flow and Play 3. Community 4. Claim your Power 5. Open your Heart 6. Find your Purpose, Free your Creative Spirit 6. Find your Purpose, Free your Creative Spirit This set has a 7" Chakra Tree of Life. A Mullein Flower and White Sage stick. A large crystal.

Past Boxes from Crystal Path

Stone and Sage Deluxe Gift Box Set ~ All In ~ May You Have Everything You Need
Stone and Sage Deluxe Gift Box Set ~ All In ~ May You Have Everything You Need

Being prepared with confidence to live life as it happens creates harmony and balance. Use the Selenite stick like a lint brush to clear off negative or low vibration energies from anything. Use the Rose Quarts rock as a generator drawing love to you and flowing from you. Use the Blue Sage to purify and cleanse yourself and your surroundings. Use the Hand-made Smudge Spray for smokeless smudging. Use the AquaMarine pendant to help connect to your higher vibrations.

Stone and Sage ~ The Love Box set
Stone and Sage ~ The Love Box set

Take a moment to reflect on the first time you fell in love with someone or even something. The emotions connected to first love experiences charges the energy surrounding you with positivity. Thoughts and feelings have a higher vibration, creating days filled with joy. "I'm in LOVE" The contents of the New Love set are a White Sage and cinnamon smudge stick 4-inches. A Love rollerball. A Rose Quartz pendent and a huge Rose Quartz crystal. Plus, a Sugar Scrub to smooth

Deluxe Stone and Sage Protection Set
Deluxe Stone and Sage Protection Set

The importance of keeping and increasing your energy is a key to finding your center. There are many ways to keep your energy safe, use these tools to help. The Specularite Hematite crystal has remarkable centering and grounding properties. The selenite stick is used to remove negative energy, place over a door frame, it works like a car wash for your home. A protective crystal bracelet to wear. And a Mojo Bag with special blend of herbs.

Stone and Sage Deluxe Box Set ~ Get Lucky
Stone and Sage Deluxe Box Set ~ Get Lucky

This set comes with affirmations to help generate your luck and an essential oil smudge spray formulated to rid your energy of lower vibrations, which is important in formulating your timing with Luck. (not in picture) 8 crystals, Tiger's Eye, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Green Aventurine, Citrine, Granet, Carnelian, and Pyrite on a wood base. Cleanse your spaces with the White Sage and Cinnamon smudge stick, the sage cleanses while the spice attracts abundance. Palo Santo

Stone and Sage Premium Box Set ~ For the love of Selenite ~
Stone and Sage Premium Box Set ~ For the love of Selenite ~

This box is being offered for a very LIMITED TIME! SELENITE SPIRAL The healing and protection properties of Selenite is one of the best crystals to use. 1. The Crystal Path gives FREE shipping on all orders. 2. The VALUE of this box set is $32. A $7.00 savings, Stone and Sage Box Sets sell for $25. 3. The SELENITE spiral weights almost 1 pound, the base is approximately 1 1/2 inches and stands 6 inches tall. The hearts are 2" x 1 1/2". Each one is unique.

Just for Me. A Gift Box Set ~ What do you need to enhance you and your surroundings? More Love, Harmony, Fun, Protection
Just for Me. A Gift Box Set ~ What do you need to enhance you and your surroundings? More Love, Harmony, Fun, Protection

Each month Crystal Path provides an interesting themed collection of gift box sets. The sets contain three or four tools, and utensils to help create a loving harmonious life. The first set you will receive is called Just for me, all items in this gift box set will be chosen specifically for you with the help of my pendulum. If there is an area you would like to work on, please specify when placing your order or email

Deluxe Stone and Sage Gift Box Set ~ With Forgiveness comes Love. With Love comes Enhancement and Enjoyment. Fulfillment
Deluxe Stone and Sage Gift Box Set ~ With Forgiveness comes Love. With Love comes Enhancement and Enjoyment. Fulfillment

Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to give to yourself or someone else. Forgiving and letting go are essential in living a free life. Keep in mind, forgiveness is not about them. It’s all about you! The tools in this month’s Stone and Sage Set Deluxe Gift Box Set were curated to help generate the right vibrations for forgiveness or as a reminder of your intentions to forgive. Unforgiveness may cause guilt, shame, hatred, frustration, anger, or any low vibration.

Stone and Sage Grid Set ~ Infuse your energy and surroundings in love with a gird designed to increase aspects of LOVE
Stone and Sage Grid Set ~ Infuse your energy and surroundings in love with a gird designed to increase aspects of LOVE

This set is curated with the purpose of helping to ehance the qualities of love. The set has: a cloth Flower of Life 14"x14" grid (colors vary) (crystal grid instructions included) three points of varying sizes and crystal types (most points are Clear Quartz) three and up to six Crystals to use on the grid. (all crystals selected are intuitively chosen for each set) Sage stick 4" (smudging instruction) Palo Santo Stick (smudge or place on grid)

Deluxe Stone and Sage ~ Shield ~ guard your energy
Deluxe Stone and Sage ~ Shield ~ guard your energy

Life offers fulfillment with endless possibilities. Knowing what you want, and physically obtaining it, would be like living “the dream”. Life is about timing, luck, and being prepared to receive what you manifest. Tools you can use to help are visualization, grounding, smudging, crystals, and meditation/prayer. This month’s Stone and Sage Deluxe Gift Box Set was created to bring awareness to the importance of sheilding/protecting your energy while you wait for what

Deluxe Stone and Sage Gift Box Set ~ Love, The Heart Chakra
Deluxe Stone and Sage Gift Box Set ~ Love, The Heart Chakra

Cleanse you and your space by smudging with the love sage stick. Center your heart chakra and feel it radiate its loving energy into the universe, place the lit candle by the serpentine crystal and be open to love. You can also hold the crystal in your hand and visualize positive vibrations flowing through your chakras as it works to balance and cleanse the heart chakra. The energy of love flows through our hearts all the time, we just need to accept and welcome it.

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Stone and Sage Deluxe Gift Sets

by Crystal Path